This report describes the findings of an assessment of GEF-financed enabling activity projects for biodiversity conservation. These projects are mainly assisting recipient countries (1) to develop national...
This report describes the findings of an assessment of GEF-financed enabling activity projects for biodiversity conservation. These projects are mainly assisting recipient countries (1) to develop national...
Este informe describe los hallazgos de una evaluación de proyectos financiados por el FMAM sobre actividades destinadas a la conversación de la diversidad biológica. El FMAM concluyó recientemente una...
Increased energy consumption, generally linked to an improved standard of living in many Asian countries, also presages serious environmental consequences at the local, regional, and global levels. The...
This booklet summarizes the findings and recommendations of a more detailed study that is being published by the World Bank as a separate Discussion Paper. The study was undertaken to address the need...