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  • Transition 12 (4) (Inglés)

    Just like combating terror, fighting poverty is a common responsibility - interview with Nick Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Petty corruption in the wild, wild east; by Scott Thomas. Anticorruption campaigns...

    Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo Número del informe: 23512 Fecha del documento: 31 de diciembre de 2001 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Hirschler,Richard,Putnam,Scott Thomas,Cirtanutas, Arista-Maria,Messick,Richard E.,Belton,Rachel Rebecca Kleinfeld,Munroe, Jennifer,Reti, Pal,Ball, Ray,Robi, Ashok,Joanna Shuang Wu,Enthoven,Adolf J. H.,Neider, Mike,Pittman,Russell W.,Marcon, Luigi,Struyk,Raymond J.,Cohen, Ariel,Baldwin,Richard Edward,Berglof,John Erik Anshelm,Widgren, M.,Bems, Rudolf,Vanags, Alf,Schultze, Claus,Horvath,Tamas M.,Peteri,Gabor,Nemec, Juraj,Corbett, Jenny,Mitchell,Janet,Campos,Nauro F.,Nugent, Jeffrey B.,Berkowitz,Daniel M.,DeJong, David N.,Rantama, Jaana,Korhonen, Vesa