The Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) focuses on long-term growth, outlining the challenges Papua New Guinea (PNG) faces to achieve sufficient economic growth to expand the incomes of its rapidly growing...
High commodity prices and the removal of COVID-19 restrictions spurred economic recovery in 2022. The government continued with fiscal consolidation to safeguard macroeconomic stability. Higher commodity...
The special focus for this issue is on long-term growth, emphasizing the challenges Papua New Guinea (PNG) is facing. It identifies the underlying challenges of low and volatile growth in the country and...
Reflecting a strong global economic rebound, Papua New Guinea (PNG) reversed its downward economic growth trajectory in 2021. The World Bank estimates that the PNG economy contracted by 3.5 percent in...
In 2019, the Government of Paraguay (GOP) embarked on a comprehensive tax reform to simplify and modernize its tax system. At the request of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), and building on long-standing...
El estudio del gasto social en Paraguay "Invertir en Capital Humano" se concentra en el análisis de los programas sociales no contributivos. El estudio busca cuantificar y calificar la calidad del gasto...
El estudio del gasto social en Paraguay "Invertir en Capital Humano" se concentra en el análisis de los programas sociales no contributivos. El estudio busca cuantificar y calificar la calidad del gasto...
This study combines firm-level data and data on politically exposed people to explore correlation between firms' political connectedness and their economic performance in Ukraine. First, it estimates the...
Paraguay has achieved impressive economic growth and shared prosperity over the last fifteen years. However, poverty and vulnerability remain significant and stopped declining in recent years. Increase...
This report argues that Moldova’s government could reduce fiscal risks to the economy by reducing the size of spending and improving its efficiency, making the tax system simpler, with fewer tax preferences...
The report is structured in two parts. The first part consists of two chapters (Notes one and two), and provides an assessment of overall trade competitiveness and trade policy options. Note one examines...
This report reviews intergovernmental fiscal relations in Moldova and recommends ways to improve the efficiency and equity of local public finance, while maintaining fiscal sustainability. It is part of...
The economic impact of increase in gas prices has been the topic of much analysis. Researchers are hampered in their efforts by the lack of transparency in the energy sector, which means, for example...
This note addresses the issue of higher energy prices impact on Ukrainian economy. It concentrates on oil and natural gas prices, but notes how those prices relate to the price of other energy sources...
This note addresses the issue of higher energy prices impact on Ukrainian economy. It concentrates on oil and natural gas prices, but notes how those prices relate to the price of other energy sources...
This publication identifies the key drivers of Ukraine's recent trade performance, assesses current trade policies, and proposes recommendations to strengthen the Ukraine's trade integration strategy...