Latin America is together with Sub-Saharan Africa the most unequal region of the world. This paper documents recent inequality trends in the Latin American region, going beyond traditional measures of...
The economic success of China and India is looked upon with admiration but also concern about the effects that the growth of these Asian economies may have on the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region's...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
Invertir en educación, abrirse a nuevas tecnologías a través del comercio exterior y de las inversiones y alentar la investigación y desarrollo del sector privado son las claves para desbloquear el potencial...
El crecimiento económico en América Latina y el Caribe en los últimos 40 años ha sido decepcionante. En vez de cerrarse, las brechas entre la región y los países en desarrollo han aumentado, y las naciones...
Beginning in the 1980s, but especially during the 1990s, Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries launched trade policy reforms that remain controversial partly due to the mixed overall economic performance...
The debate on fiscal policy in Europe centers on how to let automatic stabilizers work while achieving fiscal consolidation. There is significant agreement on the importance of using fiscal policy as a...
The note looks at what it takes for countries, and firms to "learn how to learn". Education is vital, for at least two reasons. First, it has always been a critical complement to technological advance...
La nota analiza qué necesitan los países y las compañías para “aprender cómo aprender”. La educación es esencial, por lo menos por dos razones Primero, siempre ha sido un complemento esencial del avance...
With the goal of increasing effectiveness in reducing poverty in all of its forms the World Bank undertakes studies about gender equality. This report is one of several already undertaken in other countries...
Este documento examina las tendencias principales en la estructura comercial de los países centroamericanos durante las últimas dos décadas, el papel cada vez más importante de EE. UU. como principal socio...
These are the proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, which gathers the global perspective of scholars, and practitioners of development policy from academic life, government...
This study identifies the main factors that explain the recovery of the Mexican economy after the currency crisis of 1995. A growth decomposition exercise shows that export growth mitigated somewhat the...
The paper analyzes the adjustment process in the aftermath of speculative attacks against the currencies of six countries - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand. Even though the Mexican...
The study focuses on decentralization, referring to the process of returning the political, fiscal, and administrative powers, to sub-national units of government. It examines the decentralization transformation...
El estudio se centra en la descentralización, en referencia al proceso de devolución de los poderes políticos, fiscales y administrativos a las unidades subnacionales de gobierno. Se examina la transformación...
The paper analyzes the adjustment process in the aftermath of speculative attacks against the currencies of six countries - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand. Even though the Mexican...
This volume focuses on lessons learned in Chile - its successes and failures - and in the process examines policy issues that must be addressed in the future. It presents a series of papers analyzing different...
The paper describes the development of a value added tax (VAT) to suit Colombia's need, as well as the major problems with the administration and structure of this tax and changes in it during the 1983-84...