Le sexe et le genre sont différents bien que des concepts connexes jouent un rôle important en santé publique, y compris dans la transmission et l’évolution des éclosions de maladies infectieuses. Les...
One Health is an approach built on the belief that all aspects of health are inter-related and influenced by societal behaviors. Sex and gender differences play an integral role in defining many such behaviors...
The World Bank Group’s identification for development (ID4D) initiative estimates that 1 billion people are without an officially recognized means of ID - of these, the majority are women. ID4D undertook...
An estimated one billion people around the world do not have an officially recognized means of identification (ID). The majority live in low-income countries (LICs), particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa...
About 10 percent of urban Pakistani women from lower-income segments of the population with lower levels of schooling (primary or less) are in the labor force, compared to about one-third of such women...
This Note analyses sexual harassment in public spaces as reported by women in Peshawar city in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan and is part of the World Bank's multimethod Women in the Workforce...
Less than 10 percent of urban Pakistani women with secondary schooling, and one-third of those with post-secondary schooling, are in the labor force. Their engagement in the economy can potentially lead...
This book analyzes advances in women's economic engagement and empowerment in rural and urban Bangladesh. It concludes that despite notable improvement, women's economic choices and control remain limited...
Pakistan's development road map "Vision 2025" sets an ambitious target of an increase in female labor force participation (FLFP) from its current level of 25 percent to 45 percent by 2025. Women's labor...
This report examines the prevalence and the factors associated with varioustypes of violence against women and girls in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and...
This report examines the prevalence and the factors associated with varioustypes of violence against women and girls in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and...
Los servicios de salud pueden contribuir considerablemente a mejorar las condiciones de salud de los grupos menos favorecidos. Sin embargo, tal como queda claro en este documento, los servicios de salud...
This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: special report: reaching the poor with health services. Vigilance, hope and hard work; by Abdo S. Yaazbeck and Davidson R...
Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...
The figures presented in this paper describe the health, nutrition, and population (hnp) status and service use among individuals belonging to different socio-economic classes in Uzbekistan. These figures...
The publication is one of a series covering forty-four countries, commissioned by the Bank's HNP and Poverty Thematic Group, and, the figures presented in this publication describe the health, nutrition...
The figures presented in this publication describe the health, nutrition, and population (HNP) status, and service use among individuals belonging to different socio-economic classes. The figures are intended...
The figures presented in this paper describe the health, nutrition, and population (hnp) status and service use among individuals belonging to different socio-economic classes in Malawi. These figures...
The figures presented in this paper describe the health, nutrition, and population (hnp) status and service use among individuals belonging to different socio-economic classes in Colombia. These figures...
The figures presented in this paper describe the health, nutrition, and population (hnp) status and service use among individuals belonging to different socio-economic classes in Brazil. These figures...