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  • Living on the edge : vulnerability to poverty and public transfers in Mexico (Inglés)

    Social policy in Mexico has focused on identifying and supporting chronically poor households. Yet, Mexico has a significant number of households that are just above the poverty line who are not eligible...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS7165 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2015 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Ortiz-Juarez, Eduardo,Rodriguez Castelan,Carlos,De La Fuente,Alejandro

  • Deconstructing the decline in inequality in Latin America (Inglés)

    Inequality in Latin America unambiguously declined in the 2000s. The Gini coefficient fell in 16 of the 17 countries where there are comparable data, and the change was statistically significant for all...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS6552 Fecha del documento: 1 de julio de 2013 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Lopez-Calva, Luis F.,Lustig,Nora C,Ortiz-Juarez, Eduardo

  • Declining inequality in Latin America in the 2000s : the cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico (Inglés)

    Between 2000 and 2010, the Gini coefficient declined in 13 of 17 Latin American countries. The decline was statistically significant and robust to changes in the time interval, inequality measures, and...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS6248 Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2012 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Lopez-Calva, Luis F.,Lustig,Nora C,Ortiz-Juarez, Eduardo

  • A vulnerability approach to the definition of the middle class (Inglés)

    Measurement of the middle class has recently come to the center of policy debate in middle-income countries as they search for the potential engines of growth and good governance. This debate assumes...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS5902 Fecha del documento: 1 de diciembre de 2011 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Lopez-Calva, Luis F.,Ortiz-Juarez, Eduardo