This reporting period marks the beginning of the final year of implementation of the Global Scaling up Sanitation Project (TSSM) in India, Indonesia, and Tanzania, countries where the project is currently...
Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo
Número del informe: 56967
Fecha del documento: 31 de diciembre de 2009
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Amelink,Catherine,Briceno,Bertha,Cardosi,Jason R.,Coombes,Yolande,Devine,Jacqueline,Grossman, Amy,Kamasan,I G Ngurah Ari,Kullmann,Craig Phillip,Kumar,Ajith C.,Mukhejee, Nila,Orsola-Vidal, Alex,Perez, Eduardo,Singh,Upneet,Wartono,Djoko