This paper presents an empirical application and analysis of the social contract in countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The paper suggests a simple operational model that synthesizes a social...
Addressing the constraints for private sector development at national and sectoral levels is a priority for the government of South Africa. It is also a critical element in the current administration's...
The workshop explored the importance of human capital, what drives poor performance, and how this is related to public financial management. The first session on human capital was led by Alexandra Posarac...
The objective of the Zambezi River Basin Development Project is to advance preparation of the Batoka Gorge Hy-dro-Electric Scheme and strengthen cooperative development within the Zambezi River Basin...
This report provides a brief overview of six economic zones in Nigeria, and discusses the main findings with respect to the zones: development goals and the anticipated benefits of the zone projects, key...
This paper seeks to assess the extent to which a country's overall level of development and that of its financial sector, in particular, are factors that attract private capital into infrastructure projects...
The relationship between the quality of political institutions and the performance of regulation has recently assumed greater prominence in the policy debate on the effectiveness of infrastructure industry...
This issue includes the following: gender, poverty and demography: an overview, by Mayra Buvinic, Monica Das Gupta, and Ursula Casabonne; Development, modernization, and childbearing: the role of family...
This paper analyzes the impact of infrastructure on growth of total factor productivity and per capita income, using both growth accounting techniques and cross-country growth regressions. The two econometric...
The development objective of the Integrated Transport project for Botswana is to enhance the efficiency of the transport system by building modern business management capacity and improving the strategic...
The aim of this paper is to empirically explore the relationship between the quality of political institutions and the performance of regulation, an issue that has recently occupied much of the policy...
In the aftermath of the 1997 East Asian financial crisis, the government of the Republic of Korea published a Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) Act to remove the main impediments to private...
By the end of the 1990s, most industrial and many developing countries had liberalized their telecommunications markets to improve service accessibility and affordability for both businesses and households...
Since the past decade, several Sub-Saharan African governments, through technical assistance provided by the World Bank and other donors, have undertaken to reform their telecommunications sectors, by...
Since the past decade, several Sub-Saharan African governments, through technical assistance provided by the World Bank and other donors, have undertaken to reform their telecommunications sectors, by...
Negotiations concerning the costs of telecommunications interconnection in African countries, have become a major undertaking in light of markets liberalization. Even though legislation, which by and large...