A diagnostic assessment of Zimbabwe's digital economy has been launched as part of the World Bank Group's Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) Initiative, which leverages an integrated and foundations- based...
Zambia’s seventh national development plan (7NDP) sets ambitious targets for economic growth and poverty reduction. Technology can play an important role as Zambia advances this vision for economic transformation...
South Africa is one of the digital economy leaders on the African continent, but lags developed countries. In this context, the digital economy for Africa targets appear within reach for South Africa...
In the last 10 years, the World Bank has been the main development partner for the Government of Bangladesh to improve higher education and generate knowledge about the sector. In 2009, the MoE embarked...
Bangladesh is recognized globally for its remarkable track record of socioeconomic development and potential for becoming an economic powerhouse in the region. The economy has sustained impressive economic...
South Africa's much anticipated economic rebound in 2018 did not occur. While substantial efforts by the authorities to strengthen governance of public resources and stabilize the fiscal situation helped...
Collaboration is vital to scientific innovation, as it facilitates the exchange of ideas and expands the range of perspectives on a given subject.South Asian economies and societies are rapidly evolving...
In the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, skills development is important for Bangladesh more than ever to achieve a high-productivity growth and create more and better jobs. Technologies are drastically...
In the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, skills development is important for Bangladesh more than ever to achieve a high-productivity growth and create more and better jobs. Technologies are drastically...
The development objective of Odisha Higher Education Program for Excellence and Equity Project for India is to improve the quality of and students’ equitable access to selected institutions and enhance...