The purpose of this report is twofold: to classify the Romanian cities according to their demographic, spatial, and economic dynamics of the last decades; and to interpret and apply the propositions contained...
The phenomenon of migration from rural areas to urban centers is the very essence of people’s desire to live better, in environments adapted to the dynamics of the present and with a clear vision of the...
The purpose of this report is twofold: to classify the Romanian cities according to their demographic, spatial, and economic dynamics of the last decades; and to interpret and apply the propositions contained...
For the coming years, it becomes imperative to start a policy of urban regeneration of the apartment block neighborhoods, and the punctual interventions that were implemented in the past years should be...
For the coming years, it becomes imperative to start a policy of urban regeneration of the apartment block neighborhoods, and the punctual interventions that were implemented in the past years should be...