The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the East-West Highway improvement program on Georgia’s ability to access international markets. As highlighted extensively in the literature, improving...
In the second half of 2013, the World Bank secured grant funding from the Korea Green Growth Partnership for analytical support and technical assistance related to sustainable urban transport systems in...
The need for more sustainable and integrative planning processes as a way of dealing with the complexity of urban mobility has been widely recognized. Within the European Union (EU) there has been an enhanced...
The Europe 2020 strategy and the legislative package from the European Commission provide EU member states a framework and means for moving towards a greener and more competitive low carbon economy that...
The case for climate action has never been stronger. Around the world, climate change is putting at risk the lives of millions of people as well as threatening many coastal cities and endangering trillion...
The objective of this study was to assess the economy wide indirect benefits of investments in the East West highway (EWH). This study has used a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which simulates...
Within the European Union (EU) rail transport is currently the least integrated transport mode. This leads to delays, extra costs, and insufficient use of rail freight, especially for time-sensitive cargo...
The Europe 2020 strategy and the legislative package from the European commission provide European Union (EU) member states a framework and means for moving towards a greener and more competitive low carbon...
Cities have long held a central place of importance in society as hubs of commerce, culture, and political power. Because of climate change, however, the clustering together of large numbers of people...
Cities have long held a central place of importance in society as hubs of commerce, culture, and political power. Because of climate change, however, the clustering together of large numbers of people...
The Europe 2020 strategy and the legislative package from the European commission provide European Union (EU) member states a framework and means for moving towards a greener and more competitive low carbon...
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) generated from transport are among the fastest growing in Europe and in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, posing a challenge in creating a low-carbon future, as economic...
The railways of South East Europe and Turkey experienced significant declines in traffic volumes in 2009. This reflected the impact of the international financial crisis unleashed in the last quarter of...
Facing fiscal constraints, many governments in Central and Eastern Europe and Southeastern Europe have pursued private finance for transport infrastructure more to move investments off budget than to improve...