This book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one is an overview. Chapter two reviews South Asia's recent track record with regard to the quantity and quality of job creation. It traces the relationship...
This book, written on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, addresses three questions that relate to recession, recovery, and reform, respectively, in Europe and Central...
This paper uses firm-level data from the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Surveys to study the process of convergence of transition countries with developed market economies. The study focuses...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
This paper decomposes changes in inequality, which has in general been increasing in the transition economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, both by income source and socio-economic group...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
2006 ABCDE Conference: focus on 15 years of changes by Boris Pleskovic. Poverty and inequality : inequality and growth in transition -- does China's rising inequality portend Russia's future? by Pradeep...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
Russian oligarchs : a quantitative assessment; by Sergei Guriev and Andrei Rachinsky. What do firms disclose and why? Enforcing corporate governance and transparency in Central and Eastern Europe; by Anete...
Opening addresses by Andras Inotai, Franz Kaps, Carol Balassa, Benjamin King, Mihaly Simai, and Gyorgy Szapary. International competitiveness, multifactor productivity and growth in the United States...
Tariff reduction designed to encourage outward-oriented development will work only if alternative sources can be found to replenish revenue lost in the cause of reducing protection. Integrated reform of...
Dumping and antidumping: the rhetoric and the reality of protection in industrial countries. Policy instruments for pollution control in developing countries. A survey of the costs of world sugar policies...
Tariffs on imports protect domestic producers and raise public revenue. The World Development Report 1987 finds that effective rates of protection to manufacturing in developing countries typically exceed...
This paper lays out an analytical framework which is general enough to encompass two prominent approaches to trade policy analysis in developing countries. These are (1) the Ramsey-Samuelson-Diamond-Mirrlees...
These notes outline a framework for the economic analysis of tax and public sector pricing reform in Bangladesh. The proposals put forward here lay down a general structure based on the application of...
This paper: (i) analyzes and interprets the adjustment of the Indian economy to the twin exogenous shocks of oil price increases and harvest failure during the period 1973-74 to 1983-84; (ii) implements...
This paper presents and analyses distributional and revenue raising arguments in favor of tariffs and other trade taxes. It shows that such an argument depends crucially on the domestic tax powers that...
This paper presents an overview of the authors' work on developing a quantitative framework for the analysis of optimal public policy. That work has proceeded both by extending the theory and by using...