The Integrated Action for Facilitating Labor Market Integration of Refugees (I.Ref.Job Pilot) addresses a growing necessity to systematically integrate refugees into Greek society. Since 2016, Greece has...
Jobs in exporting industries tend to pay higher wages than comparable jobs in firms focused on the domestic market. In Ethiopia, where the government has pursued an ambitious industrialization agenda...
The Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) is planning to launch a pilot in early 2021 with the objective to enhance refugee integration into the Greek labor market. One of the innovations of...
As part of the World Bank Group’s analytical work program on more, better, and more inclusive jobs: preparing for successful industrialization in Ethiopia (funded by the United Kingdom (UK) Department...
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic poses a challenge for Ethiopia’s ambitious industrialization agenda focused on export-oriented light manufacturing. This note summarizes results from a survey of...
In a globalized world, pandemics transmit impacts through markets. We document employment changes, coping strategies, and welfare of garment factory workers in Ethiopia’s largest industrial park during...
As part of the World Bank Group’s analytical work program on More, better, and more inclusive jobs: Preparing for successful industrialization in Ethiopia (funded by the UK Department for International...
Although poverty reduction has been a mainstay of its work for decades, the World Bank has for the first time, committed to a specific poverty reduction target to guide its work. Similarly, the goal to...