North Macedonia has made considerable progress in recent decades, moving from lower-middle to upper-middle income status, and from a planned to a functional market economy. Despite these reforms, the domestic...
This paper examines interventions that seek to address firm-level capabilities and access to markets in an integrated fashion. Examples of such interventions include supplier development programs (linking...
Due to their size and lack of scale, SMEs face many challenges to their growth, and governments on occasion choose to intervene to directly support firms. These interventions can be grouped into four broad...
The objective of the Local and Regional Competitiveness Project is to enhance the contribution of tourism to local economic development and improve the capacity of the government and public entities to...
A supplier development pilot program (Pilot SDP) was designed upon request from the Macedonian Government aiming to stimulate linkages between local SMEs and large foreign companies operating fYR Macedonia...
The report is structured in two parts. The first part consists of two chapters (Notes one and two), and provides an assessment of overall trade competitiveness and trade policy options. Note one examines...