The economies of sub-Saharan Africa have gone through major changes over the last three decades. The Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) survey of the manufacturing sector in the first half...
The sudden, and often painful consequences of the financial crisis in East and Southern Asia, led to disappearing employment, and earning opportunities in the formal sector, reduced incomes, and meager...
This paper undertakes a detailed exploration of the nature and causes of the size related wage differences. It is divided into two parts. Part I identifies the levels of enterprise sizes at which wages...
This volume is one of two volumes resulting from a large research project undertaken by the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank. This volume includes twelve case studies that examine the effects...
This article deals with the adjustment following external shocks in two open Asian economies: the Republic of Korea and Malaysia. There were important differences in the economic structure of the two countries...
Malaysia's sustained growth in the 1970s was boosted by windfall gains during two oil price hikes plus a commodity boom. Oil and commodity prices fell in the 1980s and Malaysia, an oil exporter, bungled...
Korea is an interesting case study in long-term and short-term adjustment. The country's rate of economic growth after 1965 was high at a time of rapid, fundamental economic restructuring. It's open, export-oriented...
This paper deals with labor market structures in developing countries and the impact of government policies on rural and urban labor markets. The central concern in analyses of employment is absorption...
Until the 1970s no developing country - except India - showed much concern for promoting industrialization through small manufacturing enterprises. By examining Indian small-enterprise development and...
This paper attempts a comprehensive review of the development of the handloom, powerloom, and factory sectors of the Indian textile industry. Estimates of production in the three sectors are made. The...
This discussion is confined to the urban labor markets in developing countries and to manual workers. It outlines the process by which the urban market for workers of low skill tends to develop a sector...
This book is a detailed case study of the working of the urban labor market of Peninsular Malaysia and of the factors affecting the distribution of income there. Although Malaysia is a member of the middle-income...
A model of an urban labor market in less developed countries is described as an approach to the theory of urban underemployment in these nations. The model has two sectors: one (the U-sector) is characterized...
A theoretical model is developed for the international comparison of income at particular points or ranges in income distributions, thereby permitting countries to be ranked, for example, by reference...