Education systems face the daunting task of delivering effective continuous professional development to teachers and educators. Delivering on this promise can be especially challenging in settings with...
While the bottom-up approach of Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement presents an opportunity to broaden and deepen markets, it is very important to ensure that there is no double counting and maintain the...
According to the United Nations population fund, the world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history, with more people now living in cities than in rural areas. Cities are also responsible...
El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Energía Renovable a Gran Escala propone una estrategia de dos etapas para abordar políticas clave y temas tarifarios que en la actualidad obstaculizan el despliegue de esta...
The Large Scale Renewable Energy Development Project proposes a two-phase approach to address key policy, and tariff issues currently hindering renewable energy development, and, facilitate initial investments...