Aftermath of the September terrorist attacks - a slowdown in transition economies too? An economist's view: poverty did not cause the terror attacks; by Keith Marsden. Integration spurs growth, poverty...
This paper examines the role of modern African entrepreneurs and addresses some key issues of strategy and policy as seen through the eyes of the entrepreneurs rather than through the eyes of governments...
This paper examines the role of modern African entrepreneurs and addresses some key issues of strategy and policy as seen through the eyes of the entrepreneurs rather than through the eyes of governments...
What can governments do to create a better environment for private enterprise in Africa? Development in many countries throughout the world has shown that the initiative and drive of private investors...
Many developing countries have established programmes of assistance to small firms; however doubts have been recently expressed about their cost-effectiveness and whether the costs outweigh the benefits...
Evidence from 20 countries shows that those with lower taxes experienced more rapid expansion of investment, productivity, employment, and government services, and had better growth rates, without discriminating...
Aid fatigue appears to be spreading in the industrialized countries, reflecting in part their deteriorated economic situation, but also the attitude of critics who argue that the costs outweigh the benefits...
This document concerns trade and employment policies for industrial development. The developing countries have proved that they can compete internationally in exporting manufactured goods, as well as primary...