In the 1990s, Ghana’s education system was in crisis; underfunded infrastructure was deteriorating, and capacity could not meet rising demand. Of the approximately 26,000 students who passed Ghana’s university...
It has been nearly seven years since the inception of the World Bank's Systems Approach for Better Education Results, better known as SABER. What began as a set of tools for policy analysis has grown to...
It has been nearly seven years since the inception of the World Bank's Systems Approach for Better Education Results, better known as SABER. What began as a set of tools for policy analysis has grown to...
Children in disadvantaged families living in poor areas face numerous challenges, from lack of access to quality health care to insufficient nutrition and stimulation. By the time these children are supposed...
In Nepal, researchers supported by the World Bank's Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund worked with the government to develop a program to inform pregnant women and mothers of young children on how to best...
In Pakistan, researchers sought to measure the impact of providing families with information about their child’s test scores and about the test scores in the other schools of the village. The evaluation...
In Indonesia, researchers evaluated a project to expand access to early childhood services in the country’s poorest areas by giving communities grants for preschools and providing teacher training and...
Primary school education is a basic building block for children’s development, preparing them for success later in life. But in many countries, poor children often don’t finish school even if it’s available...
Poor hygiene is a particular problem when it comes to children because they are more susceptible to diarrhea and repeated or severe episodes can harm their health and development. Every year, 800,000 children...
Globally, some 630 million people lack access to safe drinking water and some 2.4 billion people—about one third of the world’s population, do not have access to a toilet. Lack of clean water affects children...
The World Bank is committed to providing opportunities for healthy child development, and ensuring safe sanitation and good hygiene is critical to achieving that. In Tanzania, the World Bank’s Water and...
Uganda has made important progress toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals, including halving its poverty rate to around 20 percent from more than 50 percent in the early 1990s. But healthcare...
A growing number of countries are reforming how schools are managed and are working to involve parents and com¬munities more directly into the school management process. The idea behind school-based man¬agement...
A growing number of countries are reforming how schools are managed and are working to involve parents and com¬munities more directly into the school management process. The idea behind school-based man¬agement...
Early childhood is a crucial window of opportunity for improving lives. The challenge for policymakers and development experts knows which programs give children’s development the best boost and how to...
Early childhood is a crucial window of opportunity for improving lives. The challenge for policymakers and development experts knows which programs give children’s development the best boost and how to...
Worldwide, some 57 million primary school age children don't have the chance to go to school. Many factors hold these children back: poverty, poor health and overcrowded or faraway facilities. The problem...
Worldwide, some 57 million primary school age children don't have the chance to go to school. Many factors hold these children back: poverty, poor health and overcrowded or faraway facilities. The problem...
Worldwide, some 57 million primary school age children don't have the chance to go to school. Many factors hold these children back: poverty, poor health and overcrowded or faraway facilities. The problem...
In Uganda, researchers evaluated a government program that gave unsupervised cash grants to youth for small business development and training. Based on final results four years after the intervention...