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  • Land-use zoning on tropical frontiers : emerging lessons from the Brazilian Amazon (Inglés)

    For more than 30 years, successive Brazilian governments have engaged in programs aimed at opening up the Amazon region for settlement and development. Since the 1980s, the Brazilian government and some...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 19674 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 1998 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Mahar,Dennis J.,Ducrot, Cecile E.H.

  • Environment matters at the World Bank : annual review - fall 1997 (Inglés)

    This fall issue of the annual review on the environment looks back on the World Bank's environmental work in the fiscal year 1997, and highlights the upcoming challenges and opportunities. The lead article...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 17632 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 1997 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Watson,Robert T.,Mercier,Jean-Roger Roger,Crooks, Rob,Braccio,Ralph,Mahar,Dennis J.,Partridge,William,Collier, J. B.,Brandon,Carter Jeffrey,Hanson,Todd,Oliveira,Letitia,Redwood, John, 3rd,Steeds,David R.,Davis, Sandy,Assaf,Susan Lynn,Tynan,Ellen J.,Rahill,Bilal H.,Feinstein,Charles M.,Tunali Payton,Odil,Dixon,John A.,Pagiola,Stefano P.,Morgan,Maria Katherine,Hirji,Rafik Fatehali,Lovei, Magda,Bond,Andrew H.

  • Government policies and deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region (Inglés)

    This paper analyzes the impact of government policies on the magnitude and rate of deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region. The main hypothesis is that efforts to slow or stop tropical deforestation through...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 8910 Fecha del documento: 31 de enero de 1989 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Mahar,Dennis J.,ENV

  • Government policies and deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region (Inglés)

    This paper analyzes the impact of government policies on the magnitude and rate of deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region. The main hypothesis is that efforts to slow or stop tropical deforestation through...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre el medio ambiente Número del informe: ENV7 Fecha del documento: 30 de junio de 1988 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Mahar,Dennis J.

  • Financing state and local government in Brazil : recent trends and issues (Inglés)

    Brazil's system of intergovernmental fiscal relations has, with some minor exceptions, remained unchanged for almost two decades. Economic, social and political conditions in the country, however, have...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo preparado por el personal Número del informe: SWP612 Fecha del documento: 30 de septiembre de 1983 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Dillinger,William R.,Mahar,Dennis J.