Global warming and changes in climate have already had observed impacts on natural ecosystems and species. Natural systems such as wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, cloud forests, and Arctic and high-latitude...
Global warming and changes in climate have already had observed impacts on natural ecosystems and species. Natural systems such as wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, cloud forests, and Arctic and high-latitude...
Climate change is a serious environmental challenge that could undermine the drive for sustainable development. Since the industrial revolution, the mean surface temperature of earth has increased an average...
The conservation and sustainable use of natural ecosystems and biodiversity are critical elements of the Bank's overarching mission - to alleviate poverty and support sustainable development. This study...
Existe cada vez mayor preocupación entre los profesionales dedicados a áreas protegidas respecto de que muchas de ellas en todo el mundo no están alcanzando los objetivos que les dieron origen. Una respuesta...
There is a growing concern amongst protected area professionals that many protected areas around the world are not achieving the objectives for which they were established. One response to this concern...
There is a growing concern amongst protected area professionals that many protected areas around the world are not achieving the objectives for which they were established. One response to this concern...
The paper summarizes the efforts of the Bank Group over the past decade (1992-2002) to assist client countries to conserve, and manage forest biodiversity. It reflects investments in forest ecosystems...
Drylands occur on all continents and are estimated to cover some 61 million square kilometers or just over 47 percent of the earth's land surface. For some time the World Bank has been assisting many of...
This update summarizes the efforts of the World Bank Group (WBG) since 1988 to support the efforts of client countries and partners to conserve and sustainably manage biodiversity. The portfolio update...
The paper summarizes World Bank experiences with transboundary conservation activities throughout the world. A substantial number of bio-diversity projects, illustrate the particular challenges, opportunities...