Starting from the aggregate, this report first describes how Pernambuco has fared with respect to the rest of Brazil, both in terms of economic and social welfare performance, over the last decade (2001-2012)...
Scholars have often argued that crime deters growth, but the empirical literature assessing such effect is scarce. By exploiting cross-municipality income and crime data for Mexico -- a country that experienced...
Inequality in Latin America unambiguously declined in the 2000s. The Gini coefficient fell in 16 of the 17 countries where there are comparable data, and the change was statistically significant for all...
Adopted on September 8, 2000, the United Nations Millennium Declaration stated as its first goal that countries "...[further] resolve to halve, by the year 2015, the proportion of the world's people whose...
Using panel datasets from Mexico and Chile for the first years of the 21st century, the author examine the determinants of middle-class intra-generational mobility. The author define the middle class by...
The pregnancy project sought to expose the existence, and challenge the validity, of stereotypes about Hispanic women. The charade explored the underlying motivations of the many who responded with a wide...
Between 2000 and 2010, the Gini coefficient declined in 13 of 17 Latin American countries. The decline was statistically significant and robust to changes in the time interval, inequality measures, and...
Teenage pregnancy has been a cause of concern for policy makers because it is associated with a complex and often adverse social context for women. It is seen as the cause of lower social and economic...
This Inequality in Focus newsletter includes the following headings: Introduction to the Inequality in Focus series; An overview of global income inequality trends; Declining income inequality in Brazil:...
This Inequality in Focus newsletter includes the following headings: Introduction to the Inequality in Focus series; An overview of global income inequality trends; Declining income inequality in Brazil:...
This Inequality in Focus newsletter includes the following headings: Introduction to the Inequality in Focus series; An overview of global income inequality trends; Declining income inequality in Brazil:...
The pregnancy project sought to expose the existence, and challenge the validity, of stereotypes about Hispanic women. The charade explored the underlying motivations of the many who responded with a wide...
The pregnancy project sought to expose the existence, and challenge the validity, of stereotypes about Hispanic women. The charade explored the underlying motivations of the many who responded with a wide...
Measurement of the middle class has recently come to the center of policy debate in middle-income countries as they search for the potential engines of growth and good governance. This debate assumes...
Middle class values have long been perceived as drivers of social cohesion and growth. This paper investigates the relation between class (measured by position in the income distribution), values, and...
The authors use panel data for Mexico for 1997 to 1999 to test several assumptions regarding the impact of a conditional cash transfer program on child labor, emphasizing the differential impact on indigenous...
The discussion about the relevance of railroads in Mexico goes beyond its economic dimension. Due to historical reasons the debate is typically charged with an enormous amount of ideological and political...