The three Central American countries examined in this study suffered violent internal conflicts during the 1980s but faced the 1990s largely at peace and with a renewed sense of hope. As in most post-conflict...
Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo
Número del informe: 26390
Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2004
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Wolfensohn,James D.,Humplick Ep Leautier,Ann Frances,Malhotra,Mohini,De Nevers,Michele E.,Zagha,N. Roberto,Liu Jian,Malloch Brown,Mark,Mkapa,Benjamin William,De Ferranti,David,Piazza,Alan L.,Turnava, Natia,El-Gammal,Yasser Aabdel-Aleem Awny,Fraeters,Han,Jarvis,Michael