This overview of climate change activities in the Kyrgyz Republic is part of a series of country notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize climate portfolio in a number of sectors, namely agriculture...
This overview of climate change activities in the Kyrgyz Republic is part of a series of country notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize climate portfolio in a number of sectors, namely agriculture...
This overview of climate change activities in Kazakhstan is part of a series of country notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize climate portfolio of the major development partners in a number...
This overview of climate change activities in Kazakhstan is part of a series of country notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize climate portfolio of the major development partners in a number...
This report assesses climate risks and opportunities and proposes actions. It provides a synthesis of evidence of climate variability and change, impacts, and uncertainties associated with climate change...
This report assesses climate risks and opportunities and proposes actions. It provides a synthesis of evidence of climate variability and change, impacts, and uncertainties associated with climate change...
It is estimated that United States (U.S.) 339 million dollars to U.S. 413 million dollars was claimed in ransoms between April 2005 and December 2012 for pirate acts off the Horn of Africa. Twenty-first...