The European Union's Cohesion Policy is its biggest investment instrument. With a budget of 351.8 Euros billion for 2014–2020, the Cohesion Policy accounts for around one-third of the EU budget. The Cohesion...
Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo
Número del informe: 126400
Fecha del documento: 1 de mayo de 2018
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Ladegaard,Peter Farup,Bernstein,David S.,Fozzard,Adrian,Johns,Melissa Marie,Saltane,Valentina,Bergstein,Elin,Blanc,Florentin,Lemoine,Joseph Antoine,Lundkvist,Petter Jonatan,Novik,Nadia,Georgieva,Dorina Peteva,Konstantinova,Radka Encheva,Soares A O Rodrigues,Margarida,Arzinos,Ioannis