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  • Beyond transition 16 (3) (Ruso)

    In this issue: The Role of Institutions and Efficiency in Ukraine. Democracy Promotion in Ukraine: the Role of the EU. The Ukrainian Labor Market in Transition. Donetsk: A Powerful Business Empire. Economic...

    Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo Número del informe: 35667 Fecha del documento: 1 de julio de 2005 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Akimova, Irina,Aslund,Anders,Austin, D. Andrew,Brown, David,Duenwald, Christoph,Earle,John Sutherland,Fidrmuc, Jan,Gerxhani, Klarita,Gueorguiev,Nikolay,Kosyaeva, Tatyana,Lehmann,Hartmut,Ono, Jody Lanfrey,Schaechter, Andrea,Solonenko, Iryna,Terrell,Katherine D.,Tiffin, Andrew,Wilcox, Nathaniel,Zelenyuk, Valentin,Zimmer, Kerstin

  • Beyond transition 16 (3) (Inglés)

    In this issue: The Role of Institutions and Efficiency in Ukraine. Democracy Promotion in Ukraine: the Role of the EU. The Ukrainian Labor Market in Transition. Donetsk: A Powerful Business Empire. Economic...

    Tipo de documento: Boletín informativo Número del informe: 35667 Fecha del documento: 1 de julio de 2005 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Akimova, Irina,Aslund,Anders,Austin, D. Andrew,Brown, David,Duenwald, Christoph,Earle,John Sutherland,Fidrmuc, Jan,Gerxhani, Klarita,Gueorguiev,Nikolay,Kosyaeva, Tatyana,Lehmann,Hartmut,Ono, Jody Lanfrey,Schaechter, Andrea,Solonenko, Iryna,Terrell,Katherine D.,Tiffin, Andrew,Wilcox, Nathaniel,Zelenyuk, Valentin,Zimmer, Kerstin

  • Active labor market policies in the OECD and in selected transition economies (Inglés)

    Transition economies have introduced a range of OECD active labor market policies to combat unemployment - albeit often on paper only, as with rising unemployment passive policies have crowded out active...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo sobre investigaciones relativas a políticas Número del informe: WPS1502 Fecha del documento: 31 de agosto de 1995 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Lehmann,Hartmut