This paper provides an overview of the recent performance of the labor market in Vietnam during the Great Recession. The analysis uses data from the Labor Force Survey and the Vietnam Household Living...
The country studies in this volume analyze the link between globalization and working conditions in Cambodia, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, and Madagascar. These countries vary significantly in population...
This book provides a comprehensive review of labor market developments in Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 15 years and sheds light on factors that are behind the generally poor creation of...
Although labor market regulations are not among the most pressing issues for a low-income country such as Madagascar, they may still have distorting effects. This paper uses a number of indicators that...
Although labor market regulations are not among the most pressing issues for a low-income country such as Madagascar, they may still have distorting effects. This paper uses a number of indicators that...
To what extent have macro and structural reforms in many developing countries affected the labor market? Are current policy settings in the labor market adequate to cope with the current challenges of...
In the last 15 years, the countries of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union have made impressive progress in their historical transition from centrally planned to market economies. In building the...
The authors present evidence on how employers perceive labor regulations and react when these are perceived to constrain the operation of their firm. They draw from harmonized surveys of (up to) 17,000...
In this paper, we investigate the differences in outcomes (earnings and consumption) between individuals (households) who participate in the non-farm sector and those who do not. We use propensity score...
This paper presents evidence on how employers perceive labor regulations and react when these are perceived to constrain the operation of their firm. The paper draws from harmonized surveys of (up to)...
To what extend have macro and structural reforms in many developing countries affected the labor market? Are current policy settings in the labor market adequate to cope with the current challenges of...