The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is a constitutionally recognized semiautonomous region in northern Iraq. Its government, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), based in Erbil, has the right, under...
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is a constitutionally recognized semiautonomous region in northern Iraq. Its government, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), based in Erbil, has the right, under...
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is a constitutionally recognized semiautonomous region in northern Iraq. Its government, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), based in Erbil, has the right, under...
The Kurdistan Region of the Republic of Iraq (KRI) is a constitutionally recognized semiautonomous region in northern Iraq with a population of 5.1 million (2012 estimate). Its government (the KRG), based...
This rapid economic and social impact assessment (ESIA) differs from standard needs assessments. First, the crisis is still unfolding, so it is not conducted in a post-conflict condition. Second, the duration...
The development objective of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) economic and social impact assessment is to provide the Iraqi Government with an impact analysis of the current crisis at the regional...
The development objective of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) economic and social impact assessment is to provide the Iraqi Government with an impact analysis of the current crisis at the regional...
The report is organized as follows. Chapter one sets out the strategic context for Iraq, including the evolving political situation, macroeconomic context, and poverty and social conditions. Chapter two...
This report - the first phase of a programmatic Iraq country economic memorandum (CEM) is structured around the themes of revenue management and economic diversification. These themes accord with the economic...
The link between sound and well-developed financial systems and economic growth is fundamental. Efficient and prudent allocation of resources by the financial system is critical for increasing productivity...
This draft cluster report is part of the technical work of the Somali joint needs assessment and is being circulated in draft to seek comments and suggestions as part of a quality assurance review process...
This draft cluster report is part of the technical work of the Somali joint needs assessment and is being circulated in draft to seek comments and suggestions as part of a quality assurance review process...