These are the proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, which gathers the global perspective of scholars, and practitioners of development policy from academic life, government...
This keynote address discusses the book "The Road to a Free Economy." The book addresses several topics; the paper presents an evaluation of two issues only. As for ownership reform, there were alternative...
This volume contains two papers commenting on Balcerowicz and Gelb's article-"Macropolicies in Transition to a Market Economy: A Three-Year Perspective," presented at the World Bank Annual Conference on...
World Bank conference helps develop development economics. Development issues in a changing world - excerpts from Michael Bruno's keynote address. How to stabilize - policy lessons from early reformers...
Anti-depression cure for ailing post-Communist economies: interview with Janos Kornai. Economic guesstimate 1993 for Central and Eastern Europe. Foreign direct investment in Eastern Europe -less than expected...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: haunting spirit of the (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) CMEA: Dilemmas of economic integration; reforming socialism or...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: conference on privatization and ownership in Eastern and Central Europe; the road to a free economy; Algeria: sequencing liberalization;...
The first part of the paper analyzes some important common characteristics of socialist economies: chronic shortages in the markets for goods, labor and capital; the limited role of prices and the low...