Drawing from the presidential review commission review, and from other available materials, this background note for the South Africa systematic country diagnostic synthesizes the key issues and recommendations...
This toolkit provides an overarching framework for the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), along with the tools and information for making practical improvements. The toolkit focuses...
An update of the World Bank group's privatization database shows that in 2008 privatizations in developing countries fell to US$38 billion, down 70 percent from 2007. Privatizations lowed as the global...
An update of the World Bank Group's privatization database shows that in 2007 privatizations in developing countries amounted to US$133 billion a record in nominal terms. The high value came from partial...
A recent study examining privatization results in four Sub-Saharan African countries yielded two broad conclusions: First, privatization is not easy to do, and getting it right can be tough in low-income...
An update of the World Bank Group's Privatization Database shows that privatization in developing countries continued to pick up in 2004 and 2005, with 400 transactions worth US$90 billion. Apart from...
Most people agree that a good investment climate is essential for growth and poverty reduction. Less clear is how to achieve it. Many reforms are complex, involving more than technical design and content...
Drawing from more than 25 case studies, this book shows that reform often requires paying as much attention to dealing with the politics and institutional dimensions as to designing policy substance. While...
Drawing from more than 25 case studies, this book shows that reform often requires paying as much attention to dealing with the politics and institutional dimensions as to designing policy substance. While...
After two decades of privatization, has government ownership and control of enterprises declined substantially? A rigorous assessment is difficult in the absence of systematic data on state enterprises...
Privatization has reached nearly all developing countries, generating more than US$400 billion in proceeds for these countries since 1990.cActivity peaked in 1997 and declined thereafter-but began to pickup...
This paper takes stock of recent privatization trends, examines the extent to which government ownership is still prevalent in developing countries, and summarizes emerging issues for state enterprise...
During the 1990s Mexico undertook some of the world's most far-reaching reforms of business regulations. Many factors, including trade liberalization and firm political commitment, drove this process...
"Community-based and -driven development : a critical review" by Ghazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao. "Agricultural extension : good intentions and hard realities" by Jock R. Anderson and Gershon Feder...
A universal concern in infrastructure reforms is the effect such reforms have on labor. State-owned infrastructure firms often employ more people than required for efficiency, and often under favorable...
A universal concern in infrastructure reforms is the effect such reforms have on labor. State-owned infrastructure firms often employ more people than required for efficiency, and often under favorable...
The paper reviews recent evidence on the impact of privatization. It focuses on traditional privatization efforts involving firms in competitive markets. It shows that privatization improves firms' financial...
When state-owned enterprises preparing for privatization have very high levels of redundant workers and when social safety nets and redundancy provisions in labor laws are inadequate or lacking, the political...
Many developing countries have launched ambitious privatization programs to improve. A universal concern in this process is that privatization will cause major job losses as new owners of privatized firms...
Evaluating social policies: principles and U.S. experience. Using randomized control designs in evaluating social sector programs in developing countries. AIDS and African development. Privatization: lessons...