When a disaster strikes, it not only affects households’ physical assets, but also their income levels and ability to contribute to the local economy. Critically, these socio-economic disparities shape...
Moldova is exposed to an array of natural hazards, and their impact disproportionately affects the poor. The Government of Moldova has been strengthening institutions to better prepare for and respond...
Moldova is exposed to an array of natural hazards, and their impact disproportionately affects the poor. The Government of Moldova has been strengthening institutions to better prepare for and respond...
Romania is severely exposed to a range of natural disasters—in particular, to earthquakes and floods—resulting in substantial social, physical, and financial impacts across the country. Since 1990, 77...
Vietnam is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, with droughts, severe storms, and flooding causing substantial economic and human losses. Climate change is projected...
Vietnam is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, with droughts, severe storms, and flooding causing substantial economic and human losses. Climate change is projected...
Growth in developing EAP eased over the first half of the year. This mostly reflected a gradual slowdown in China, in line with earlier predictions, stemming from policy efforts to tighten nonbank credit...