وسط تداعيات الصراع الروسي-الأوكراني، والاختناقات المستمرة في سلاسل الإمداد، وتشديد الأوضاع المالية العالمية، تشهد مصر ارتفاعاً في التضخم، وتدفقات إلى الخارج من استثمارات المحفظة، مما أضاف إلى الضغوط على...
Amidst repercussions from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, lingering supply chain disruptions, and tightening global financial conditions, Egypt is experiencing a spike in inflation and has suffered abrupt...
Egypt’s population program began in the early 1970s and was very successful in bringing down the country’s total fertility rate (TFR), the mean number of children a woman will have by age 50. Key investments...
The purpose of the present report is to identify and explore the evidence on factors that are leading to high rates of learning poverty in MENA countries. In addition, the report proposes a path for countries...
The purpose of the present report is to identify and explore the evidence on factors that are leading to high rates of learning poverty in MENA countries. In addition, the report proposes a path for countries...
Government-led economic reform programs have been an important vehicle to improve the lives of Egyptian citizens. This case study describes one of these programs, which reduced energy subsidies to enable...
When Saudi Arabia’s schools closed on March 9, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC) rapidly brought forward plans to convert its high-stakes Standardized...
This note is a part of a series of policy notes prepared by the World Bank in anticipation of a post-conflict transition in Yemen. These notes aimed to identify immediate priorities for stabilization...
This note is a part of a series of policy notes prepared by the World Bank in anticipation of a post-conflict transition in Yemen. These notes aimed to identify immediate priorities for stabilization...
In response to a request from the Government of Egypt, the World Bank undertook the analysis of selected sectoral issues in education and health. The objective of the analytical task was to inform policies...