Regional economic engagement within South Asia may gain increasing importance owing to several factors that are currently in play, including strategies to diversify global value chains and locate such...
The growth of its readymade garments industry has been a critical factor in Bangladesh’s development success. However, Bangladesh has not been able to replicate this success in other labor-intensive sectors...
Spices are plants and trees that are rich in essential oils and aromatic principles and mainly used as condiments. Some specialized industries focus on extracting the active ingredients from the spice...
This report is part of a broader work program on shaping a more positive narrative on regional integration in South Asia. It is a follow-up to a recent flagship report published by the South Asia Region...
Around the world, trade has played a critical role in reducing poverty. Some of the most successful countries in East Asia, Europe, and North America owe much of their success to strong trade relations...
It is widely agreed that, over the past decade, accelerating infrastructure investments in India's North Eastern Region (NER) and neighboring countries, along with connectivity agreements with Bangladesh...
Trade has played a critical role in global poverty reduction. In harnessing the potential of trade, some of the most successful countries have developed strong trade relationships with their neighbors...
This paper describes the trade performance of Bangladesh at the macro and micro levels for goods and services. The analysis of the basic orientation of trade is crucial to judge the extent to which a country’s...
This diagnostic trade integration study (DTIS) analyzes the internal and external constraints to further integration with the world economy, keeping in view the end goals of job creation and poverty reduction...
As the momentum for multilateral trade liberalization has slowed, an increasing amount of liberalization is taking place at a regional level. As of April 2015, there are 406 regional trade agreements (RTAs)...
A large body of literature shows that all countries benefit from trade openness, irrespective of size; other work shows that smaller countries benefit even more from mutual trade liberalization, due to...
The primary objective of this study is to analyze the impact on Bangladesh of increased market access in India, both within a static production structure and also identifying dynamic gains. The study shows...
Bangladesh sixth five year plan underscores the importance of exports for dynamism in the manufacturing sector and provision of high productivity and high income jobs. Indeed, faster export growth will...
The report suggests that improving and sustaining export performance and thereby gross domestic product (GDP) growth will require sustained improvement in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, pointing...
The Caribbean region is at a development crossroads and its member nations must take significant and concrete steps to improve productivity and competitiveness and face up to global competition if they...
La región del Caribe está en una encrucijada del desarrollo por lo que sus países miembros deben tomar pasos significativos y concretos para mejorar la productividad y la competitividad y enfrentar la...
The authors provide a simple introduction to the economics of the Multifibre Arrangement (MFA) and use available empirical evidence to examine its impact on exports of garments and textiles, focusing on...
The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing will abolish all quota restrictions in trade in textiles and clothing by the year 2005. Dismantling the quota regime represents both an opportunity (for developing...
India's trade policy regime has changed dramatically since July 1991. The objective of reform has been to improve export performance by improving export incentives and eliminating discretionary controls...