To set the stage for an examination of a low carbon growth path for Slovakia, the country’s performance on greenhouse gas emissions, its obligations under the Paris Agreement and as a member of the European...
Oil prices on global markets have plunged from United States (U.S.) $115 per barrel in mid-June of 2014 to U.S. $48 at end-January 2015, while other fuel prices have continued the slow downward trend of...
This study poses the question of how Poland, an European Union (EU) member state, an industrialized Annex 1 country for the purposes of international climate discussions, and an Organization for Economic...
Poland is not among the largest emitters of greenhouse gases globally, but its economy is among the least emissions-efficient in the European Union (EU). Poland's global share in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions...
Poland is not among the largest emitters of greenhouse gases globally, but its economy is among the least emissions-efficient in the European Union (EU). Poland's global share in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions...
Against the backdrop of agreement that global coordinated action is needed to prevent dangerous climate change, individual countries are thinking through the implications of climate action for their economies...
Against the backdrop of agreement that global coordinated action is needed to prevent dangerous climate change, individual countries are thinking through the implications of climate action for their economies...
The report aims to assist the Bulgarian authorities in identifying options for policies and reforms that would help to boost productivity and employment and thereby economic growth and income convergence...
The report aims to assist the Bulgarian authorities in identifying options for policies and reforms that would help to boost productivity and employment and thereby economic growth and income convergence...
This study explores public finance policies in the transition countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and their likely effects on economic growth. The analysis is organized in three parts. Part one...
This report looks at safety nets in the new member states from the perspective of fiscal impact and effectiveness. Given the limited budgets for social assistance, ensuring that resources are spent well...
This report looks at safety nets in the new member states from the perspective of fiscal impact and effectiveness. Given the limited budgets for social assistance, ensuring that resources are spent well...