Traditionally social protection (SP) and humanitarian programs were quite distinct in their objectives, scope, and operations, but over time those distinctions have diminished and with that the gains from...
This paper updates the Social Risk Management (SRM) conceptual framework; the foundation of the World Bank's first Social Protection Sector Strategy. SRM 2.0 addresses the increasingly risky and uncertain...
By envisioning the world of 2050, critical choices can be pinpointed, that will need to be made now if the vision of a wealthier, more equitable, more sustainable world is to be achieved. The report identifies...
This paper reviews the findings from a poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA) of three reforms in Zambia: land, fertilizer subsidies, and rural roads. It explains how the PSIA approach was applied to...
This report builds on the consensus developed at the August 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. It draws on the effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. And it...
This paper proposes a new definition, and conceptual framework for social protection, grounded in social risk management. The concept repositions the traditional areas of social protection (labor market...
This paper proposes a new definition, and conceptual framework for social protection, grounded in social risk management. The concept repositions the traditional areas of social protection (labor market...
This paper proposes a new definition, and conceptual framework for social protection, grounded in social risk management. The concept repositions the traditional areas of social protection (labor market...
This report serves as a conceptual background piece for the development of the Social Strategy Paper (SSP). To develop the conceptual underpinnings, the objectives and instruments of strategy papers (SP)...
This publication brings together material on the Bolivian Emergency Social Fund (ESF). The report is divided into five main parts: part one presents an introduction to the material and the story of the...
Introduction: poverty and adjustment in the 1980s. Poverty in Eastern Europe in the years of crisis, 1978 to 1987: Poland, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. Macroeconomic adjustment and poverty in selected industrial...
Bolivia's Emergency Social Fund (ESF) was established to cushion the adverse effects on the poor of the economic crisis and subsequent stabilization program in the 1980s and to facilitate transition through...
Bolivia's emergency social fund (ESF) was established to cushion the adverse effects of its economic crisis and subsequent stabilization program on the poor and to facilitate transition through the phases...