After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the commonwealth of independent states (CIS-7) faced exceptional challenges in building new states, democratic institutions, and market economies. All of the CIS-7...
Tipo de documento: Publicación
Número del informe: 99011
Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2004
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Khan,Mohammed Mohsin,Katsu,Shigeo,Otoo,Samuel K. E.,Sattar,Sarosh,Vashakmadze,Ekaterine T.,Helbling, Thomas,Mody,Ashoka,Sahay,Ratna,Lane, Philip R.,Pomfret,Richard W.,Betley,Mary,Falkingham,Jane C.,Cord,Louise J.,Lopez,Ramon E.,Huppi,Monika,Melo,Oscar A.,Jones Luong,Pauline,Vandycke,Nancy L.,Michalopoulos,Constantine,Kennedy, David,Fankhauser,Samuel,Raiser,Martin