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  • Addis Ababa Sidewalk Safety and Improvement Study : Project Report (Inglés)

    Walking is a predominant mode of travel in Addis Ababa representing more than half of the daily trips. The mild climate in Addis Ababa is conducive for this healthy and green mode of transport. However...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Número del informe: 169923 Fecha del documento: 28 de febrero de 2022 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Jia,Wenyu,Fantta,Bezawit Tesfaye,Alcalá, Yessiel Mercado

  • Addis Ababa Sidewalk Design and Maintenance Guidelines (Inglés)

    Walking is the mode of travel predominantly used in Addis Ababa as more than half of the total daily trips are made on foot. The warm weather in Addis Ababa makes the use of this healthy and green mode...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Número del informe: 169924 Fecha del documento: 28 de febrero de 2022 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Jia,Wenyu,Fantta,Bezawit Tesfaye,Alcalá, Yessiel Mercado