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  • Country Private Sector Diagnostic : Creating Markets in Burundi - Leveraging Private Investment for Inclusive Growth (Inglés)

    The purpose of the Burundi country private sector diagnostic (CPSD) is to identify market opportunities that are most likely to materialize in the short to medium term, and reforms that can remove the...

    Tipo de documento: Country Private Sector Diagnostics Número del informe: 180247 Fecha del documento: 1 de noviembre de 2022 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Natalia Agapitova,Nadege Desiree Yameogo,Magidu Nyende,Alphonsus Nji T Achomuma,Augustine Sangson Langyintuo,Ephrem Niyongabo,Ngendahayo, Eric,Izabela Leao,Jean-Christophe Maur,Ndikumana, Léonce,Sarah Dominique Lenoble,Sharon Beth Fisher

  • Diagnostic-Pays du Secteur Privé : Créer des Marchés au Burundi - Tirer Parti de l’Investissement Privé pour une Croissance Inclusive (Francés)

    The purpose of the Burundi country private sector diagnostic (CPSD) is to identify market opportunities that are most likely to materialize in the short to medium term, and reforms that can remove the...

    Tipo de documento: Country Private Sector Diagnostics Número del informe: 180247 Fecha del documento: 1 de noviembre de 2022 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Natalia Agapitova,Nadege Desiree Yameogo,Magidu Nyende,Alphonsus Nji T Achomuma,Augustine Sangson Langyintuo,Ephrem Niyongabo,Ngendahayo, Eric,Leao, Izabela,Jean-Christophe Maur,Ndikumana, Léonce,Sarah Dominique Lenoble,Sharon Beth Fisher