The economy continues to contract, albeit at a somewhat slower pace. Public finances improved in 2021, but only because spending collapsed faster than revenue generation. Testament to the continued atrophy...
Now moving into its twelfth year, the conflict in Syria has inflicted a devastating impact on the inhabitants and the economy. Beyond the immediate impact of the conflict, the economy suffers from the...
Now moving into its twelfth year, the conflict in Syria has inflicted a devastating impact on the inhabitants and the economy. Conflict, displacement, and the collapse of economic activities have all contributed...
The Lebanon financial and economic crisis is likely to rank in the top 10, possibly top three, most severe crises episodes globally since the mid-nineteenth century. This is a conclusion of the Spring...
For almost a year, Lebanon’s macroeconomy has been assailed by compounded crises, beginning with an economic and financial crisis, followed by COVID-19 (coronavirus) and lastly the explosion at the Port...