The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has initiated a preliminary analysis of Pakistan’s blue carbon exposure, relevant carbon stock trends, and the sector’s potential for climate action in the context of Pakistan’s...
Nepal conjures up images of the Himalayas, climbing expeditions, tranquility in nature, and adventure holidays, making the country one of the most sought-after destinations for nature-based tourism. Ecologically...
There are many challenges to the ecology and environment of Pakistan, one of them being the growing volume of solid waste due to increasing population, urbanization, and industrialization. The mountainous...
Pakistan, India, and Nepal share one common ecological characteristic: the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Himalayan mountain range. The mountains bestow these countries with pristine landscapes and...
India is the second largest country in the world in terms of population and is rapidly catching up to the People’s Republic of China. A rapidly increasing population, coupled with sustained economic growth...
Solid waste management (SWM) is a vital responsibility of municipal governments worldwide and is one of the biggest challenges faced by urban authorities. Waste generation is increasing at a rapid pace...
The environment, natural resources, and blue economy (ENB) South Asia region (SAR) team traveled to the Republic of Korea together with ten national delegates nominated by the three countries for the knowledge...
Pakistan`s fisheries face a variety of challenges: stocks are under pressure from over-fishing, leading to diminishing harvests; landed product is sold for low-value uses; the aquaculture sector is small...
As a forest poor country, Pakistan has witnessed a drastic decrease in its forest resources over the last few decades, as well as serious soil erosion, frequent floods and other deforestation related disasters...