Ghana's Economic Recovery Program, launched in 1983, provided new opportunities and challenges to its indigenous private sector. Liberalization of markets opened up access to imports and other resources...
There is great concern about the prospects for the industrialization of sub - Saharan Africa. Much of the literature dealing with this question has typically employed a neoclassical view that assumes underlying...
The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the international commuter aircraft industry. The focus is on the difficulties faced by industrializing country firms to enter and consolidate their...
Power sytem planners must determine type and timing of major investments in the presence of great uncertainty in future values of major planning parameters. Furthermore, power investment decisions are...
This paper reports the Phase I findings of a World Bank/U.S. AID joint research project on foreign export catalysts in sub-Saharan African countries. It provides a perspective on a low-income country's...
This paper reviews the principal institutional, economic/financial, and technical issues related to energy sector rehabilitation and development which the countries of Central and Eastern Europe face in...
This study looks at private manufacturing and commercial enterprises in the context of Senegal's Nouvelle Politique Industrielle enacted in 1986. It examines changes in firms' operations subsequent to...
The dramatic growth of urban populations in developing countries has caused a rise in the demand for energy, food, water, and other resources. The growing number of people living in urban areas of developing...
Environmental economists generally advocate market-based instruments for pollution regulation, but environmental policy makers have favored quantitative controls. This paper argues that both sides have...
This paper points out the importance of woody and non-woody biomass from an energy perspective in developing countries. It then considers the dearth of reliable data on the standing stock and sustainable...
The household energy sector is the largest of all energy consuming subsectors in most developing countries. Households account for 40%-80% of total energy use, mainly dpeending on the level of development...
This report summarizes a two-year study of the major problems found in diesel power plants in 17 developing countries, explores in some detail the causes of these problems, and suggests possible solutions...
This paper provides an overview of the characteristics and issues related to the exploitation of wind energy. It provides guidelines for assessing the wind energy resource base and the economic potential...
This report was prepared as a guideline for use by Bank staff and consultants on power generating projects which employ large diesel engines as prime movers. It explains the characteristics and comparative...
This report identifies and analyzes the issues and options involved in the design of electricity export contracts. A well-designed contract is an important component of realizing the objectives of inter-utility...
This paper addresses the problem of irreversibility of investments, a topic related to the recently evolving "real options" literature. In the presence of alternatives, the opportunity to invest in a large...
This working paper comprises a compilation of one-page data sheets summarizing the available power sector data for the year 1988 for 100 developing countries. It is intended to be a ready reference for...
Production and use of poor quality petroleum fuels is a widespread problem in developing countries, one that contributes to degradation of the environment. Despite the increasing concern over global warming...
The objective of this report is to provide background information on the issue of management of radioactive wastes generated by nuclear power plants and related facilities. This information is useful in...
This paper explains the development history and present state of combined-cycle power generation technology. The relative economics of gas-fueled combined-cycle plants and other fossil fuel power plant...