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  • Comparative analysis of approaches to geothermal resource risk mitigation : a global survey (Inglés)

    Based on the World Bank’s own extensive global experience and drawing upon international expertise from leading specialists and practitioners, this report presents a comparative assessment of various approaches...

    Tipo de documento: Documento del Programa de Asistencia a la Gestión del Sector de la Energía (ESMAP) Número del informe: 105172 Fecha del documento: 1 de marzo de 2016 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Sanyal,Subir Kumar,Robertson-Tait, Ann,Jayawardena,Migara,Huttrer, Gerry,Berman,Laura Wendell

  • Synthesis of notes and indications of policies to improve competitiveness in the Caribbean : Sintesis de notas e indicaciones de politicas para la mejora de la competitividad en el Caribe (Español)

    In this paper on the summary of notes and indications of policies for improving competitiveness in the Caribbean the authors believe that after years of low growth, high unemployment and indebtedness...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 92688 Fecha del documento: 1 de junio de 2014 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Alessandro, Martin,Alvarez Estrada,Daniel,Arias Carballo,Diego,Bayarsaikhan,Mandkhai,Berman,Laura Wendell,Bes,Martin,Bofinger, Heinrich C.,Carletto,Andre L.,Chao,Shiyan,De Leon Contreras,Diana Margarita,Puig Gabarro,Pau,Gallegos,Doyle,Gallina,Andrea,Garcia, Rigoberto Ariel Yepez,Garmendia, Celilia Briceno,Giannozizi, Sara,Guasch, Jose Luis,Huttrer, Gerry,Jayawardena,Migara,Karmali,Nadeem M.,Matthews,Clark Alexander,Nannyonjo,Harriet,Neyra,Juan Jose,Gutierrez Ossio,Jose Eduardo,Palsson,Gylfi,Parra Torrado,Monica L.,Millan Placci,Maria Florencia,Sanchez-Reaza,Javier,Sinha,Chandra Shekhar

  • Got steam? : geothermal as an opportunity for growth in the Caribbean (Inglés)

    The power sector is integral to economic development and inclusive growth in the Caribbean region. The high cost of electricity is undermining the region’s competitiveness and growth; and creating hardship...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 78608 Fecha del documento: 1 de junio de 2013 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Jayawardena,Migara,Berman,Laura Wendell,Singha, Chandra Shekhar,Huttrer, Gerry,Bayarsaikhan,Mandkhai