Contents: Overcoming institutional barriers in China. China removes barriers for private firms. China becoming a manufacturing powerhouse. Wolfensohn and Putin praise relations. The great divide and beyond:...
Transition with Chinese characteristics - Progress in ownership changes and hidden risks in China's transition; by Fan Gang. China's experience with Transition: what is behind its stunning economic success?;...
The World Bank's new approach to good governance : promises and risks; by Johannes Linn. Investment with a high return : supporting economics education and research in transition countries. Outreach of...
Prospects and challenges for Russia : Davidson Institute surveys 100 leading transition economists; by Jan Svejnar. Ten years of transition : lessons drawn. The road to a free economy - ten years after;...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises:...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises?...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: is there schizophrenia about socialist reform theory? Some thoughts about the two-track approach. Quotation of the month - East...