The overarching goal of the State- and Peace-building Fund (SPF) is to address the needs of state and local governance by supporting measures to improve governance, institutional performance, reconstruction...
Emergency relief is still needed, but the burden of effort is now focused on reconstruction, and progress is being made on multiple fronts. In Aceh and Nias, great areas of urban landscape remain nothing...
Emergency relief is still needed, but the burden of effort is now focused on reconstruction, and progress is being made on multiple fronts. In Aceh and Nias, great areas of urban landscape remain nothing...
Emergency relief is still needed, but the burden of effort is now focused on reconstruction, and progress is being made on multiple fronts. In Aceh and Nias, great areas of urban landscape remain nothing...
Continued macroeconomic stability and a stronger international economy are supporting renewed growth in Indonesia, and are contributing to a reduction in poverty. The Government's Economic Policy Package...
Infrastructure is once again part of the World Bank's mainstream business - interview with World Bank Executive Director Carole Brookins. World Bank study reveals tainted links between the state and businesses...
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the simultaneous process of developing a market economy, designing new political and social institutions...
Controlling corruption is an essential part of good governance, and poverty reduction, and it poses an enormous challenge for governments around the world. This report analyzes patterns, and trends in...
Controlling corruption is an essential part of good governance, and poverty reduction, and it poses an enormous challenge for governments around the world. This report analyzes patterns, and trends in...
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the simultaneous process of developing a market economy, designing new political and social institutions...
World Bank's new approach helps business in transition economies; by Lars Jeurling. Are foreign investors and multinationals engaging in corrupt practices in transition economies? by Joel Hellman, Geraint...