Goods trade remained weak in the fourth quarter of 2023, capping the slowest year of growth for global commerce outside of a recession in the past 50 years. Trade in services grew robustly in the fourth...
Global goods trade picked up slightly in September and October 2023 amid signs of global demand recovery but remained below levels in the previous year. Services trade continued to recover, and travel...
Global goods trade contracted further in the second quarter of 2023 as demand weakened in all regions amid tight monetary conditions, lingering inflationary pressures, and elevated geopolitical tensions...
The key messages of this newsletter include: Trade expanded briskly in 2022 despite the invasion of Ukraine and growing global macroeconomic imbalances. The global impact of the war quickly dissipated...
New export orders have been shrinking since March 2022, amid cooling in China’s imports, war-induced disruptions in the trade of fuel and agricultural products, rising inflationary pressures, monetary...
The key messages of this newsletter include: (i) Merchandise trade strengthened in November 2021 despite persistent value-chain bottlenecks and logistics constraints; (ii) Services trade is finally closing...
The present Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) will help inform the Government of Ukraine’s reform efforts, especially those leveraging the power of the private sector to boost economic growth and...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) is structured around five chapters. Chapter one provides a brief description of the country context focused on the key development challenges facing the Philippines...
Addressing the constraints for private sector development at national and sectoral levels is a priority for the government of South Africa. It is also a critical element in the current administration's...
Market-based reforms and the opening up of trade and investment initiated over the past four years have had a positive impact on growth in Myanmar. These have enhanced private sector participation and...
Market-based reforms and the opening up of trade and investment initiated over the past four years have had a positive impact on growth in Myanmar. These have enhanced private sector participation and...
The authors identifies a new set of stylized facts on the 2008-2009 trade collapse that they hope can be used to shed light on the importance of demand and supply-side factors in explaining the fall in...
The global financial crisis is stimulating a broad reassessment of economic integration policies in developed and developing countries alike. The crisis was associated with a great trade collapse, the...
This book deals with financial liberalization issues in the context of trade negotiations. The liberalization of trade and investment in financial services is only a subset of the broader financial liberalization...
A policy of managed real undervaluation may have been an important factor behind the success of East Asia's export-led growth model. But current discussions over the value of China's currency demonstrate...
The United States (U.S.) recession could hurt the South, particularly in oil and apparel exports, and Latin America and the Caribbean. But South-South trade is partly picking up the slack. Middle-income...
As developing countries look to embrace an outward-oriented growth strategy, some may be concerned about the possibility that increased openness will be accompanied by increased volatility. However, although...
The United States (U.S.) recession can hurt the South, particularly in oil and apparel exports, and Latin America and the Caribbean. But South-South trade is partly picking up the slack. Middle-income...
This paper addresses the mechanisms by which trade openness affects growth volatility. Using a diverse set of export diversification indicators, it presents strong evidence pointing to an important role...
This report presents the findings of the second edition of Connecting to Compete, a report on the new dataset for the 2010 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and its component indicators. Based on a worldwide...