This report documents the progress that Pakistanhas made so far in improving its systems fordelivering social protection to its people. Thegovernment has increasingly relied on dataand technology to increase...
The low pension coverage, notably within the informal sector/self-employed/part-time workers, has motivated countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America to operationalize voluntary schemes. Over eighty...
The low pension coverage, notably within the informal sector/self-employed/part-time workers, has motivated countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America to operationalize voluntary schemes. Over eighty...
Charting a Course Towards Universal Social Protection: Resilience, Equity, and Opportunity for All, known as the Social Protection and Jobs Compass updates the World Bank strategy for social protection...
Botswana has a long history of important social protection programs, and the World Bank Group is pleased to be part of that continued effort to help improve social protection in the country. This Botswana...
The informal economy in Africa is large and diverse, and it is the main source of employment in the region. It is projected to grow and create more jobs. The informal economy is well established in the...
The coverage of pension systems in the Africa region is limited to the small segment of the population in the formal sector. Coverage is thin partly because traditional contributory pension schemes are...
The paper summarizes key design characteristics and performance indicators of national and civil service pension schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It is intended to serve as a resource in pension reform...
The lack of efficient social security systems, the presence of large informal sectors, and the pace at which the population is aging in some Sub-Saharan African countries are red flags warning of a potential...
Mauritius is a high middle-income country with low levels of poverty and inequality. The headcount poverty level was 6.9 percent in 2012; measured by the international standard of United States (U.S.)...
This report shows that while more inclusive growth is the ultimate solution to poverty in Lesotho, the country can and should use selective social transfers to reduce poverty more rapidly among the extreme...
Reducing poverty continues to be one of the main priorities of the Government of Albania. Currently, Albania has an ample platform to provide social protection to its citizens through social insurance...
The government has embarked upon a comprehensive and difficult medium term program for reforming the public sector aimed at rebalancing the relation between revenue and spending and enhancing the efficiency...
The government has embarked upon a comprehensive and difficult medium term program for reforming the public sector aimed at rebalancing the relation between revenue and spending and enhancing the efficiency...
All of the former transition economies in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe (CESE) inherited from the era of central planning traditional defined-benefit pension systems financed on a pay-as-you-go...