There is a need to rebalance the sources of growth toward private investment, exports, and public investment that crowd in private investment. The contribution of capital to gross domestic product (GDP)...
A challenging macroeconomic situation, limited fiscal space, and extreme poverty constrain governments’ capacity to increase investments in education and other critical sectors. While the overall fiscal...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a rules-based multilateral institution that was established in 1995 as a successor to the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT). It seeks to achieve multilateral...
Overall growth in the Republic of Congo (ROC) is improving, but the non-oil sector remains depressed. ROC is in debt distress with a public debt burden that is holding back economic growth. However, the...
This paper attempts to assess the impact of the practical public financial management (PFM) dimensions on fiscal performance in 86 countries observed between 2005 and 2019. Based on augmented panel data...
This paper examines the growth-inflation nexus in Franc zone currency unions. It aims at estimating the inflation threshold above which additional inflationary pressures adversely affect economic expansion...
This edition of the Nigeria Development Update provides policy options that Nigerian policymakers may consider in order to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and lay the foundation for a strong...
After nearly a decade of strong growth fueled by the boom in commodity prices, Ghana’s economy remains undiversified and vulnerable to external shocks.This report strives to analyze the main challenges...