The signs of digital technology adoption are evident across Southeast Asia. In big cities, the use of mobile phones for messaging and social media has become ubiquitous. Ride-sharing services and delivery...
Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo
Número del informe: 137143
Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2019
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Beschorner,Natasha,Bartley Johns,Marcus,Guermazi,Boutheina,Treadwell,Jane Lesley,Prakosa,Petra Wiyakti Bodrogini,Abdul Karim,Nur Amira Binte,Van Tuijll,Daniel Alexander,Bennis,Lamiaa,Nicoli,Marco-000329794,Van Rees,Jan,Girot,Clarisse Anne Henriette Michele