The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted survey and data systems globally and especially in low- and middle-income countries. Lockdowns necessitated remote data collection as demand for data on the impacts...
Evidence indicates that land rights are strongly associated with several indicators of well-being and development outcomes, including access to credit, resilience to shocks, productivity, and bargaining...
Understanding the determinants of agricultural productivity requires accurate measurement of crop output and yield. In smallholder production systems across low- and middle-income countries, crop yields...
This guide is intended to support cognitive interviewing in preparation for the implementation of the module on measuring land tenure at the individual level, for monitoring SDGs 1.4.2 and 5.a.1, as described...
Agricultural productivity is hindered in smallholder farming systems due to several factors, including farmers’ inability to meet crop-specific soil requirements. This paper focuses on soil suitability...
Adoption of non-labor agricultural inputs, including pesticides and mineral fertilizers, remains low among small-scale farmers in many low-income countries. Accurate measurement of the quality of these...
This guidebook provides survey practitioners with the requisite tools and technical support to successfully integrate the new energy access questions into existing national household surveys. It also provides...
This volume is organized to assess innovations in agricultural survey design, provide practical recommendations on the design and tradeoffs inherent in agricultural survey modules, and lastly to provide...
The desert locust, the most destructive migratory pest in the world, is highly mobile and feeds on large quantities of any kind of green vegetation, including crops, pasture, and fodder with great potential...
Liberia is the most forested country in West Africa, with more than two thirds of its land surface covered by forest. In 2019, 47.5 percent of the Liberian households (HHs) lived in proximity to and were...
The brief leverages COVID-19 high frequency phone survey (HFPS) data collected primarily by National Statistics Offices (NSO) 2 of five SSA countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, and Uganda)...
As the pandemic started spreading to sub-Saharan Africa, one concern has been that of its possible impacts on food security, as the crisis has the potential to exacerbate an already fragile food security...
Liberia is one of the most forested countries in West Africa, with more than two thirds of its land surface covered by forest. The National Forest Inventory, conducted by the Liberia Forestry Development...
Based on a two-round household panel survey conducted in Eastern Uganda, this study shows that the analysis of the inverse scale-productivity relationship (IR) is highly sensitive to how plot-level maize...
Crop yields in smallholder systems are traditionally assessed using farmer-reported information in surveys, occasionally by crop cuts for a sub-section of a farmer's plot, and rarely using full-plot harvests...
Soil is a key input in agricultural production and analysis. This guidebook offers practical guidance for integrating spectral soil analysis into household survey operations, particularly in low-income...
Five modules with essential questions to collect data required for measuring SDG indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 , based on the meta data as approved by the Inter Agency Expert Group on SDGs. This integrated...
Based on a two-round household panel survey conducted in Eastern Uganda, this study shows that the analysis of the inverse scale-productivity relationship is highly sensitive to how plot-level maize production...
Much of the current analysis on agricultural productivity is hampered by the lack of consistent, high quality data on soil health and how it is changing under past and current management. Historically...
Land area measurement is the cornerstone of agricultural statistics, economics, and policy analysis in developed and developing countries alike. With over seventy percent of the developing world’s poor...