Economies that are suffering from fragility, conflict and violence (three distinct yet interconnected elements of FCS) confront intractable poverty, and faltering growth – missing out on development objectives...
Economies that are suffering from fragility, conflict and violence (three distinct yet interconnected elements of FCS) confront intractable poverty, and faltering growth – missing out on development objectives...
Interventions over the past decades to encourage increased business formalization have shown mixed results and produced limited knowledge on how to address informality systematically. The scale of the...
This paper is a literature review on the topic of trust between public and private sectors. It includes discussion on trust’s conceptual underpinnings, its importance in private and public sectors’ functioning...
This study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of the business environment in six South Asian countries, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, to examine whether business...
Interventions to incentivize business formalization over the past decades have shown mixed results (Bruhn and McKenzie, 2013; Bruhn and McKenzie, 2018; Floridi et al., 2019) and brought limited knowledge...
This paper is a literature review on the topic of trust between public and private sectors. It includes discussion on trust’s conceptual underpinnings, its importance in private and public sectors’ functioning...
This Investment Climate Reform Action Plan summarizes the economic context of Senegal as well as the main constraints private sector faces in the country, and provides a number of recommendations on which...
China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) includes major infrastructure investment projects – roads, ports, railways – that aim to improve connectivity along a number of transport corridors spanning 71...
The quality of the public procurement system of an economy can have far-reaching effects on the private sector. This paper empirically explores several of these effects using two rich data sets. An overall...
Public-private partnership (PPP) projects are gaining momentum globally as a means for delivering infrastructure. Government capabilities to prepare, procure, and manage such projects are important to...
Public-private partnership (PPP) projects are gaining momentum globally as a means for delivering infrastructure. Government capabilities to prepare, procure, and manage such projects are important to...
Governments around the world have turned to public-private partnerships (PPPs) to design, finance, build, and operate infrastructure projects. Government capabilities to prepare, procure, and manage such...
Governments around the world have turned to public-private partnerships (PPPs) to design, finance, build, and operate infrastructure projects. Government capabilities to prepare, procure, and manage such...
Public procurement regulation is an important instrument for using public resources efficiently and ensuring quality services to citizens. On average, the public procurement sector accounts for 14.5 percent...
Despite the importance of the public procurement market, little effort has been made to systematically and consistently collect reliable statistics on a number of critical dimensions. To date, no attempt...
Despite the importance of the public procurement market, little effort has been made to systematically and consistently collect reliable statistics on a number of critical dimensions. To date, no attempt...
Benchmarking PPP Procurement 2017 is the first attempt to collect and present comparable and actionable data on PPP procurement on a large scale, by providing an assessment of the regulatory frameworks...
Benchmarking public procurement focuses on an equally critical aspect of procurement systems for private sector participation: a well-functioning complaint system. Efficient complaint mechanisms introduce...
The ease of starting a foreign investment in various sectors is a relevant consideration for investors seeking to establish an investment project abroad. Two thematic areas will be analyzed in this paper...