The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant disruption in schooling worldwide. This paper uses global test score data to estimate learning losses. It models the effect of school closures on achievement...
The energy transition will entail not only job creation in new clean energy industries but also job losses in incumbent high-emission industries, such as coal extraction and use. Focusing purely on technological...
To what extent has the learning progress of school-aged children slowed during the COVID-19 pandemic? A pre-registered analysis of the first international assessment to be published since the pandemic...
The objective of this note is to present and discuss the findings of piloting a task-based job matching tool developed by the World Bank and implemented in partnership with the Regional Labor Office of...
In Poland, the education system is decentralized, with local governments having a significant role in the managing and financing of primary education. Poland’s education system is highly efficient, with...
Lebanon has been participating in the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) since 2003, offering a rich data source for progress on learning in Lebanon over time, and factors associated with...
After Germany, Poland is the EU’s second largest coal producer and consumer.1 96 percent of EU-27 hard coal production, or 54.4 million tons, is extracted in Poland (EURACOAL, 2020). In 2020, over 40 percent...
The effect of school closures in the spring of 2020 on the math, science, and reading skills of secondary school students in Poland is estimated. The COVID-19-induced school closures lasted 26 weeks in...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Wielkopolska, which is most advanced in the transition out of coal. Finding viable job...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering the...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Lower Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering...
Coal-related jobs are at the forefront of the disruption brought about by the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities...
towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities, whereas many others may not. The resulting disruption to jobs and livelihoods may exacerbate...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering the...
This report analyzes the results of various PISA and TIMSS assessment rounds conducted in Jordan and Lebanon to identify trends in achievement, provide insights into factors that contribute to better learning...